Project Materials


Effects Of Early Marriage On The Socio-Economic And Education Development Of A Child In Educational District

Effects Of Early Marriage On The Socio-Economic And Education Development Of A Child In Educational District

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Effects Of Early Marriage On The Socio-Economic And Education Development Of A Child In Educational District

Chapter one

1.1 Background of the Study

Marriage is the oldest institution in the world, established by God Himself in the Garden of Eden. No man proposed marriage. It was God Almighty’s original idea. God recognised the need for marriage and established it. “And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a help meet for him.” Genesis chapter 2, verse 18.

Since then, both men and women have strived to live in harmony with one another because they are social beings.

Marriage can alternatively be defined as the uniting of a man and a woman to become husband and wife in accordance with the preceding definition.

Marriage is for mature men and women, not for youngsters and girls, because they are not yet ready to face the challenges of marital life. Early marriage is defined as the union of a boy and a girl with a man before the age of 18.

According to this study, “Early Marriage” refers to when a female under the age of 18 enters into a marriage.

Finally, this study is essential since it aims to address a societal issue among this population.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Despite all of the enlightenment, efforts, and awareness raised through formal and informal education, the number of early marriages in Nigeria has recently increased.

In Lagos State, for example, where practically every ethnic group in Nigeria is represented, it is usual to see young girls hawking various wares in the neighbourhood while carrying their children on their backs.

Some have turned into more or less baby factories. Others are mistreated and prevented by their spouses from selling or doing any type of activity that can earn them money.

They are completely dependent on their spouses, and as a result, they become unproductive. Furthermore, because their educational background is not particularly impressive, the majority of them consider themselves second-class citizens. They are unable to express themselves in public and hence cannot sit where others do.


1. To identify the perceived causes of early marriage.

2. Offer a remedy to the problem of early marriage.

3. To understand the impact of early marriage on a girl’s socioeconomic and educational development.


1. Is there a link between early marriage and socioeconomic progress in the family?

2. Is there an association between early marriage and rapid population growth?

3. Is there a link between early marriage and the educational development of a girl child?

4. Is there a link between unintended pregnancy and early marriage?

1.5 Research Hypothesis

1. There is no substantial association between early marriage and the socioeconomic development of the family.

2. There is no clear link between early marriage and high population rise.

3. There is no significant link between early marriage and the educational development of a girl child.

4. No substantial association exists between unplanned pregnancy and early marriage.

1.6 Significance of the Study

It is believed that this study will help Nigerian parents provide equal opportunity for their children’s education. Instead of marrying the girls off prematurely. It is also hoped that the report will allow Nigerian lawmakers at all levels of government to pass legislation making early marriage a serious offence.

It is also hoped that the study’s findings may encourage students to avoid or limit early marriage.

1.7 Limitations of the Study

The study will focus on women in Lagos’ Yaba Local Government Area, with a particular emphasis on women in the Makoko, Iwaya, and Ebute Metta areas. However, this is also owing to the lack of time and financial resources available during the investigation.

1.8 Definition of Terms

Marriage is the joining of a man and a woman who become husband and wife.

Early Marriage: The marriage of a boy, a girl, and a man before the age of 18.

Sexual Harassment is defined as sexually motivated verbal or physical conduct that rejects, limits, or gives different treatment based on sex.

The social environment is defined as a group of people who can interact and demonstrate a level of vulnerability to the variable under consideration.

Forced marriages entail various degrees of force, compulsion, or fraud, ranging from emotional pressure from family or community members to abduction and imprisonment.

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