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Impact Of Climate Change On Agricultural Productivity The Case Of Delta State

Impact Of Climate Change On Agricultural Productivity The Case Of Delta State

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Impact Of Climate Change On Agricultural Productivity The Case Of Delta State

Chapter one


1.1 Background of the Study

Because of its multifunctional nature, agriculture has a multiplier effect on the socioeconomic and industrial fabric of any other sector (Ogen 2007). It has the potential to serve as an industrial and economic catalyst for the country’s development (Stewart 2000). The bulk of rural communities in developing countries continue to rely on this industry for their primary source of income.

Agriculture employs nearly 60% of Africa’s people and generates more than 30% of the continent’s GDP (Kandlinkar and Risbey 2000). Rain-fed farming accounts for approximately 97% of total acreage in Sub-Saharan Africa, and agricultural productivity is subject to significant seasonal rainfall variations (Alvaro et al. 2009).

Agriculture provides the majority of food and work in Nigeria, employing over 60-70 percent of the population (Mayong et al. 2005). It is a critical sector of the economy, producing raw materials for processing firms as well as foreign exchange revenues (Mohammed-Lawal and Atte 2006).

Because agriculture in Nigeria is predominantly rain-fed, any change in climate will undoubtedly have an impact on agricultural productivity in particular, as well as other socioeconomic activities in the country.

However, the impact could be measured in terms of crop growth, soil water availability, soil erosion, pest and disease incidence, sea-level rise, and soil fertility decline (Adejuwon 2004).

Climate change now poses a greater threat not only to the long-term development of any country’s socioeconomic and agricultural operations, but also to all human life (Adejuwon 2004).

The effect of climate change, as stated by the UNFCCC, implies that the local climate variability to which people have previously experienced and adapted is changing, and this change is happening at a rapid pace.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Climate change offers a challenge to agricultural productivity that extends beyond crop husbandry to livestock and, ultimately, the entire agricultural industry. African farmers rely on cattle to generate cash, food, and animal products. Ehui, Nin (2007). Climate can affect livestock both directly and indirectly (Adams et al. 1999; Manning and Nobrew 2001).

Climate variables like as air temperature, humidity, wind speed, and others have a direct impact on animal performance, including growth, milk production, wool production, and reproduction.

Climate can also affect the quantity and quality of feed, such as grass, forage, and grain, as well as the severity and spread of livestock illnesses and parasites (Niggol and Mendelsohn 2008).

As a result, agricultural productivity is utilised to assess the overall agricultural industry. Rainfall is by far the most important part of climate change in Nigeria, as it affects the country’s water supplies (Adejumo 2004).

The northeast region of Nigeria is fast becoming an arid environment as the amount of surface water, flora, and fauna resources on land decreases (CGIAR, 2008).

A persistent reduction in rainfall slows the normal regeneration of land resources (Fasona and Omojola 2005). This encourages people to use previously undiscovered locations, leading in forest degradation and an increase in sand dunes/Aeolian deposits along Nigeria’s northern axis. Climate change is the most significant issue facing the world today.

Some believe it poses a greater threat than global terrorism (King 2004). The southern part of Nigeria, known for its high rainfall, is currently experiencing inconsistent rainfall, while temperatures in the country’s Guinea Savannah zone are gradually rising. Furthermore, the northern zone is under threat from desert growth (FME 2004).

Climate change has an impact on food and water supplies, which are vital for livelihoods in Africa, where many people, particularly the poor, rely on local supply networks that are sensitive to climate change. Disruptions to current food and water systems will have severe effects on development and livelihood.

These are expected to worsen climate change-related hurdles to poverty eradication (De Wit and Stankiewicz 2006). According to CGIAR (2008), the ability of the environment to give all life support systems and materials for satisfying all developmental objectives of humans and animals is reliant on the suitability of the climate, which is always changing.

The impact of these changes endangers Nigeria’s food security. The study looks into agricultural production trends and evaluates the impact of climate change on agricultural output.

1.3 Goal of the Study

The overall goal of this research is to investigate the effect of climate change on agricultural productivity. The following are the specific objectives:

Determine whether there is a relationship between climate change and agricultural productivity.

Determine whether high temperatures result in an increase in agricultural productivity.

Identify how heavy rains harm agricultural activity and productivity.

1.4 Research Hypothesis

A hypothesis is an experimental statement that describes the relationship between two or more variables. It is subject to testing and can be approved or rejected based on whether it agrees or disagrees with the statistical test.

This study examined two hypotheses: the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis.

The null hypothesis predicts that there will be no observed effect in our experiment. A mathematical version of the null hypothesis will often include an equal sign. This hypothesis is indicated as H0. In our hypothesis test, we look for evidence that contradicts the null hypothesis.

The alternative or experimental hypothesis states that an effect will be detected during our experiment. In a mathematical version of the alternative hypothesis, there will usually be an inequality, or something not equal to the symbol. This hypothesis is denoted as either Ha or H1.

The alternative hypothesis is what we’re aiming to illustrate indirectly with our hypothesis test. If the null hypothesis is rejected, we will accept the alternative hypothesis. If the null hypothesis is not refuted, we will not accept the alternative hypothesis.

The study will assess the validity of the following null hypothesis:

H01: There is no correlation between climate change and agricultural productivity.

H02: High temperatures do not improve agricultural yield.

H03: Heavy rains do not harm agricultural activity and productivity.

1.5 Significance of the Study

This study will be very useful to students, researchers, and agricultural science teachers in Nigeria since it will provide them with information for research and study reasons.

Farmers in all parts of Nigeria will benefit from this study, which examines and reveals the issues posed by climate change on agricultural productivity.

The recommendations in the study’s final chapter will help educate farmers on the best ways to manage climate change in order to avoid catastrophic agricultural damage.

1.6 Scope of the Study

This study aims to determine whether there is a link between climate change and agricultural productivity. excessive temperatures boost agricultural productivity, while excessive rains wreak havoc on agricultural activities. As a result, the study will focus solely on farms in Eboyi State, Nigeria.

1.7 Limitations of the Study

The study’s key constraints are a lack of funds to engage a large number of respondents and carry out the other logistics required for this research. Another constraint was time, which required the researcher to divide her available time between academic work and doing this research within the time span provided.

Another limitation of this study was a lack of supplies required for its success. The researcher encountered difficulties when gathering literature and conducting interviews to validate this research.

1.8 Definition of Terms

Climate is the long-term weather average, which is commonly calculated over a 30-year period. More precisely, it is the average and variability of meteorological variables over time scales ranging from months to millions of years.

Climate change refers to both global warming caused by human-induced greenhouse gas emissions and the resulting large-scale shifts in weather patterns.

Agriculture is the practice of farming, which includes cultivating the soil for crop growth and raising animals for food, wool and other products.

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