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Pages: 75-90
Questionnaire: Yes
Chapters: 1 to 5
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The purpose of this study is to determine the prevalence of bacterial injections such as Salmonella and Escherichia coli that pose health risks to poultry in their feeds. Sample feed was received from a commercial mash/pellet mill facility in New Heaven, as well as top feed from Ogbete’s major market in Enugu. The samples were examined for total aerobic bacteria count, total coliform count, and bacterial isolate characterisation, with the indole and citrate tests used to establish the presence of Escherichia coli. Salmonella isolates were also confirmed using Mac conkey agar.
Chapter one
The term poultry in agriculture refers to all domesticated birds raised for egg or meat production. These include chickens (domestic fowls), Grallus domesticus, turkeys, ducks, and geese. This research will focus on chickens, which are the most popular household poultry.
Poultry species are adaptable or can survive in a variety of settings, thus they are widely distributed over the world. As the world’s population grows, the need for products, particularly protein food, increases.
To meet the demand for animal protein and its development, rapid reproduction becomes critical. Poultry has numerous advantages over other domesticated animals, whose production is severely hampered by a lack of funds, excessive temperatures, disease, and a lack of food at certain times of the year.
Poultry diseases, like those of other animals, can be caused by pathogenic organisms such as bacteria and viruses, protozoa, worms, and certain arthropods.
b. Nutritional insufficiency;
(c) Wound or cannibalism.
The following diseases are typically associated with fowls locally.
1. New Castle Disease.
2. Chronic respiratory diseases.
3. Fowl Typhoid
4. Coccidiosis.
5. Fowl pox
The incidence of salmonella and Escherida coli simply refers to the amount to which enteric organisms (Escherichia coli) that are naturally occurring and cause sickness, as well as pathogenic organisms (salmonella), affect chicken diets. Hill, D. H.; and Davis, O. S. (1962). Shoening et al (1942).
Diseases are defined as any aberrant condition of the body’s tissue, and the cells that comprise the various tissues serve distinct functions. Salmonell, as defined by Pekzar et al. (1977), is a sickness of chick fowl and swimming birds caused by some species of Salnaonells.
Anon (1963) defined pullorum illness as an actute infection disease of body chicks caused by Salnonella pullorum. Infection is the entry of disease-producing organisms into an animal.
Livestock (Poultry) become infected when pathogenic organisms enter the vulnerable animal through the following pathways. Esmat.omar 1977. 1. Feeds and contaminated water feed or water containing infected animal droppings or waste products will aid in the transmission of pathogens to new hosts.
The feeding troughs and watering vessels aso spread the infections if not seperated. 2. Dropping or excretes: These material are the gateway out for some stages of oarganisms to go out of the host and get to fresh animal hosts.
3. Close touch – certain sickness spread by contact. Their agents may be external parasites or airborne, in which case proximity to the superior’s birds increases the chances of acquiring the organisms.
4. To prevent disease pathogenic organisms from entering the bodies of poultry, pay attention to the elements that influence their infections and spread.
First and foremost, they should have disease-resistant stock, give adequate shelter, a clean range, sufficient feeding, and practise separating diseased from healthy chicken, as well as quarantining new stock.
In the case of poultry, the brooder house should be located 30 to 48 meters apart from the older birds. Such that they receive adequate nutrition and sunlight. They should not be permitted to come into contact with their droppings or excretions since they contain pathogenic pathogens.
Sanitation is essential in poultry management, which includes cleaning water cans and feed troughs, as well as disinfecting the stock to help reduce organic debris.
1. Poultry feeds become infected during processing due to handling, ingredient mixing, and exposure to atmospheric microorganisms.
2. Poultry (birds) are infected through the consumption of contaminated feeds and untreated water.
3. When healthy and unhealthy birds are fed from the same feeding troughs and water vessels, pathogenic and enteric organisms from infested birds may eventually spread widely.
4. Salmonella and Escherichia coli, as bacterial organisms, affect the essential requirements of the body such as water, carbohydrate, lipids, vitamins, minerals, and protein, consequently reducing the level of the nutrients needed for the diet to the palatable and readily digestible.
5. Consumers (humans) become infected after eating uncooked or half-cooked chicken.
1.1 Justification.
This study was justified by the need and safety of ingesting children (white meat), which is low in cholesterol but abundant in protein, rather to beef, which has high cholesterol.
Humans and the world at large benefit from our poultry farms, which produce layers (egg-producing chicks) and broilers (heavy chicks) for eating.
Poultry (chicken) is high in protein and amino acids, which are essential for growth. Livestock feeds are designed with a specific ratio for each species and class of poultry.
These are also feed additives that can be used to prevent disease or improve animal feed utilisation. An ingredient concentrate is added to nourish the feed.
1.2 Aims and Objectives of the Study
1. To emphasise the various benefits of livestock (poultry) to humans and our industry.
2. Determine the prevalence of bacterium infections, including Balmonella and Escherichia coli, that pose health risks to chickens.
3. Identify and assess the impact of Salmonella and Escherichia coli on chickens and their feed.
4. Provide poultry producers with assistance on preserving and managing feed to prevent bird illnesses and diseases.
Limitations of the study
This research will be limited by the availability of materials for conducting experiments, as well as the expense of transportation. This work will be limited to the Enugu metropolitan.
HYP. 10: Salmonella and Escherichia coli are the most common sources of bacteira infection in livestock (poultry) feed.
HYP. II: Salmonella is the sole infection that affects livestock (poultry) diets.
HYP. II0: Escherichia coli is the only bacterium infection that affects poultry feeds.
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