Project Material Details |
Pages: 75-90
Questionnaire: Yes
Chapters: 1 to 5
Reference and Abstract: Yes |
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Chapter one
1.1 Background of the Study
An industrial accident is defined as an unforeseen event that occurs in an industrial environment (factory or retail) that causes lasting injuries and, in some situations, the death of an employee or human being in general.
Any incident or sudden occurrence on an industrial site that results in the loss or injury of materials, equipment, or people is an example of an industrial accident in the store, which increases production costs.
Safety working practices targeted at increasing productivity while also preventing workplace accidents in industrial and retail environments.
As a result of several catastrophes that have occurred in our industrial firms and factories, safety procedures and standards in the stores are vital and require the attention of firm operational management.
To ensure adequate safety and protection of machines, materials, and employees in stores of various industries today, training expositions, seminars, and symposiums have been organised to inform and educate workers and operators on the use of tools, equipment, etc.
to always put on protective wears such as dungarees, safety books, helmets, and gloves, which will drastically reduce the level of industrial accidents in stores and industries.
Nigeria Bottling Company Plc is one of the bottling companies that began in Nigeria as a modest family-owned operation. It is a multinational organisation. It was Nigeria’s biggest bottler of alcohol-free beverages, manufacturing and selling 33 different Coca-Cola variants.
The Nigeria Bottling Company was established in November 1951 as a subsidiary of the AG Leventiies Group, with the concession to bottle and sell Coca-Cola products in Nigeria granted in March 1953 at a bottling factory in Ebuta, Lagos State.
It is worth noting that the Nigeria Bottling Company (NBC) employs around 7000 Nigerians across various fields of activities. It was one of the world’s largest soft drink producers.
Some of their goods include Coca-Cola Fanta Orange, Schweppes, Five Alive, Fanta Ginger, Fanta Tonic, Fanta Soda, Fanta Lemon, Crest, Bitter Lemon, and others. Nigeria Bottling Company is also the leading manufacturer of carbonated soft drinks (co2) and Eva water.
NBC had Nigeria’s largest private-owned fleet of delivery trucks, pickups, and vehicles, which delivered to various dealers throughout the country. Over the years, production capacity has increased due to the company’s several bottling facilities, over 80 distribution warehouses positioned around the country, and over 200,000 sales outlets nationwide.
To maintain standards and safety in Nigeria, the bottling company has a training school in Ikeja, Lagos State, with its headquarters in Iddo, Lagos State, which helps educate the workforce and management.
The Nigeria Bottling Company Owerri facility is located at KM 7 Owerri Onitsha Industrial Layout. They began operations in 1982 with a single production line making solely fantas and letters before expanding into a variety of other products.
1.2 Statement of The Problem
Though industrial accidents are prevented and there are safety precautions in the workplace, the following have been identified as the subject’s banes or issues.
a. Quack staff and operators are recruited in industries, which promotes industrial accidents in the company.
b. management’s incapacity to recognise potential causes of accidents and establish plans to prevent them, as well as identify types.
c. management fails to carry out their responsibilities and provide personnel and supplies with adequate safety measures.
d. Workers’ failure to follow the safety instructions and practices supplied.
e. Little time is dedicated to determining the causes of workplace accidents due to a lack of money to conduct detailed investigations.
The primary goals of this project research are to
a. Investigate firms and types of industrial accidents in various outlets.
b. investigate the causes of industrial accidents in different stores.
c. review and investigate the precautions done or put in place to prevent industrial accidents in retailers.
d. to determine the extent to which staff and management adhere to code safety practices.
e. investigate the numerous regulations and legislation governing accidents in stores.
f. to make suggestions for new, practical approaches to maintain an accident-free industrial base.
1.4 Significance of the Study
This research will benefit the following persons.
1. THE RESEARCHER: The research portion stems from her fulfilment of the conditions required for assessing the Higher National Diploma award. It will expose her eyes to the importance of safety standards in any industry in which she works.
2. OTHER INDUSTRIES: It will help other industries that may come across the project understand the types of accidents and the importance of safety practices in stores.
3. THE STUDY FIRM: NBC owerri will find this research beneficial because it will show their areas of deficit and assist them carry out more research on reducing accidents in their stores.
4. STUDENT RESEARCHERS: Future students in this field or those interested in conducting research on this topic may find it valuable, as it will serve as a guide for developing their research work.
a. Is there a fatal accident in the store?
b. Are industrial accidents controlled or uncontrollable?
c. Are there any losses resulting from an industrial accident that influence the firm’s profitability?
d. Are there any safety measures in place to prevent workplace accidents in stores?
b. Is there any regulation in place to ensure workers’ safety in the workplace.
1.6 Research Hypothesis
Ho: I loss coming from an industrial accident does not affect the firm’s profitability.
HI: The loss resulting from the industrial accident affects the profitability of the firm.
HO: 2 There are no health and safety standards to prevent workplace accidents in stores. NBC
HI: 2 There are health and safety safeguards in place to prevent industrial accidents in NBC outlets.
This study on the importance of appropriate health and safety practices in store operations examines industrial incidents as well as safety measures and policies in store operations. It focusses on the Nigeria Bottling Company (NBC) in Owerri rather than the entire Nigerian company.
The study’s geographical coverage or area is the Owerri Municipal Council (NBC Nigeria PLC’s Owerri factory); the findings will be used to draw conclusions about industrial accidents and health and safety precautions in retailers across the country.
1.8 Limitations of the Study
During the course of this research, there are several aspects that determine its success and thus its outcome. They are
1. FINANCIAL CONSTRIANTS: The researchers of this work are students and do not have enough money to conduct extensive literature research on the subject at this moment. Transportation and typing costs are extremely high.
2. TIME CONSTRAINTS: The time allotted to this project task is limited in comparison to the scope of the subject matter. Classwork activities are hard, and the time allotted to do research is limited, affecting the success of the results.
3. LACK OF ADEQUATE INFORMATION: The attitudes of the workforce and management at Nigeria Bottling Company Owerri have a significant impact on the work. Because of fear, some employees fail to answer questions or provide the necessary information.
The top management is so busy that they constantly booking appointments that never happen. In certain circumstances, their knowledge and data are not accessible via the internet or computer, which is one of the most dependable sources of information in study.
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