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Chapter one


1.2 Background of the Study.

Lassa fever is a zoonotic illness, which means that people are infected through contact with diseased animals. The animal reservoir or host of Lassa virus is a rodent of the species Mastomys, sometimes known as the “multimammate rat.”

Mastomys rats infected with the Lassa virus do not get sick, but they can shed the virus in their urine and faeces. Because the disease’s clinical history is so unpredictable, diagnosing it in affected patients has proven problematic.

When the disease is proven in a community, quick isolation of affected individuals, robust infection prevention and control methods, and thorough contact tracing can all help to prevent outbreaks.

Lassa fever is known to be endemic in the Republic of Benin (where it was first diagnosed in November 2014), Ghana (diagnosed in October 2011), Guinea, Liberia, Mali (diagnosed in February 2009), Sierra Leone, and Nigeria, but it is also likely to be present in other West African countries (Uzoma, 2014).

Lassa virus is typically transmitted to humans by contact with infected Mastomys rats’ urine or excrement. Lassa virus can also be transmitted between humans through direct contact with the blood, urine, faeces, or other bodily secretions of a Lassa fever infected individual (Kiragu, 2002). There is no epidemiological data indicating airborne transmission between humans.

Person-to-person transmission occurs in both community and health-care settings, where the virus can spread via infected medical equipment, such as re-used needles. Sexual transmission of the Lassa virus has been documented.

Lassa fever affects all age groups and both sexes. People living in rural locations where Mastomys are common, particularly in communities with poor sanitation or overcrowded living circumstances, are most vulnerable. Health professionals are at danger if they care for Lassa fever patients without suitable barrier nursing, infection prevention, and control techniques (Agudosi, 2007).


Rodents carry the Lassa virus, which has the potential to alter disease ecology and public health. In 1969, the world’s first case of Lassa fever was discovered in Lassa, a village in Borno State, North East Nigeria.

It is transmitted through contact with infected rodent faeces or urine, inhalation of contaminated dust, consumption of contaminated food, or contact with the fluids of an infected human, dead or alive. The multimammate mouse, Mastomys natalensis, serves as the rodent reservoir for Arena spp., the virus responsible.

Nigeria is undoubtedly now endemic for Lassa fever, with a 21.3% seropositive prevalence reported in a nationwide investigation. A quick comparison of the Lassa fever virus burden in Nigeria from January to August of 2016 and 2017. In 2016, by the 32nd week, laboratory tests had verified 9.53% of probable cases.

However, 90 deaths occurred out of 75 laboratory verified cases, accounting for 120% of laboratory case fatalities. That means 20% of observed Lassa fever-related deaths were not verified as cases by laboratory tests, indicating a systemic gap in illness diagnosis and surveillance.

However, by 2017, the reported health systems gap in infectious illness and epidemic detection and surveillance had not been adequately addressed (Moore, 2016).

Of the suspected Lassa fever cases, 24.68% were laboratory confirmed, while 59.79% resulted in death. This marked a significant improvement over the previous year, when fatality occurred outside of laboratory-confirmed instances.

In this situation, 40.21% of laboratory confirmed cases helped to enhance case treatment and lower Lassa fever morbidity and mortality. A comparison of the 2015 and 2016 Lassa fever epidemics demonstrated how overloaded Nigeria’s health system was at the time.

It was found that 5.81% of suspected cases were laboratory confirmed. However, 16.0% of laboratory-confirmed cases were fatal. This suggests that laboratory confirmation failed to account for 60% of Lassa fever-related deaths. In 2016, 11.83% of suspected cases were confirmed by the laboratory.

Kiragu (2002, p.18) conducted a similar study to examine the impact of print media messages on the promotion of healthy lifestyle in Nigeria. The study’s findings demonstrated that a print media campaign, including print materials and advocacy, was effective in communicating the policy to the public.

According to Kiragu (2002), the number of first-time users in sentinel clinics increased by 24% from pre-campaign levels, while the number of ongoing users increased by 30%.

Furthermore, it is important to note that international organisations such as the World Health Organisation recognise the power of print media and communication in general in improving public health and, in particular, combating killer diseases such as Lassa fever, polio, and a host of other deadly diseases.

The United Nations and other related agencies have widely employed print media to provide public education and advocacy in the fight against these terrible diseases.

For example, the Roll Back Malaria campaign and the Immunisation Programme are good examples of campaigns that rely heavily on print media to raise awareness (Bello, 2012).

Based on the foregoing, it is clear that the Nigerian media has fulfilled its social role by informing the public about any serious illness outbreaks in the country.

1.2 Statement of Problem

Lassa fever is a life-threatening disease that has arisen as a major public health issue and burden in Nigeria. Lassa fever patients frequently have fever, myalgia, cough, pharyngitis, vomiting, restrosternal discomfort, chills, and a flu-like disease headache.

If untreated, they may develop serious complications and die. Lassa fever disrupts families, impoverishes the poor, and costs the country approximately 140 billion naira every year.”

It impedes children’s academic and social growth in general. The problem that this study addresses is: what function does the print media have in sensitising and raising awareness about Lassa fever.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The primary aims of this study are:

To investigate the characteristics of Lassa fever in Nigeria.

To determine the level of awareness of Lassa fever in Nigeria.

To evaluate the print media level of awareness efforts against Lassa fever in Nigeria.

To determine the demographic parameters that influence audience knowledge of Lassa fever campaigns in print media in Nigeria.

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