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The research work titled “the relevant of advertising as a determinant of customer patronage for fast food (a case study of Chiky and Early in Owerri Metropolis was carried out with objectives.

To determine how advertising has affected the decision to buy. Early or chiky. To determine the brand of fast food that is more available than the other and the customer demand for it.

To suggest ways the companies should follow to make better progress in bottling their brands and for them to satisfy their customers to actieve the above objective, related literature were reviewed as a determinant of customer patronage for fast food.

In addition to primary and secondary data were collection to solve the research problem and questionnaire were used to research problem and questionnaire were used to research instruments. The population of the study comprised the customer distributors and the management and relevant staff of both early and chiky fast food in owerri metropolis.

The research used census survey on management and relevant staff because the population under study was small, while topman’s formular was used to determine the sample size for customers and the distributors. In organizing and presenting the data collected, table, frequencies and percentage were used.

Based on the analyzed data, the following findings were made. The customer in Owerri indicates that the price of chiky is higher than that of early. They also observed that advertising helps to create awareness of both products. Customers are mare satisfied with the advertising that leads to purchase of chiky than Early.

Based on the findings, recommendation were made, Both companies should engage in advertising strategies that are relevant and other promotional activities that appeals to customers for efficient and relevant goals achievement.

The two companies should maintain continuous availability of their products. Nigeria breweries plc should reduce the price of their product order to attract more customers.

Early should look into the advertising that leads to more purchase of their product. If the above suggestions and recommendation are relevant and efficiently implemented both companies will experience a profound change in their advertising performance and customers will be better served.

Chapter one

1.0 Introduction

The management of the fast food industry faces a fundamental challenge because it is both a product offering and a service-rendering industry. Measuring service quality is even more difficult than measuring product quality,

and the industry is closely linked to the hospitality and health care industries, where high-quality products or services cannot be compromised or scarified. As a result, any firm’s failure to meet the required level of

The outfit was featured in Volume 19, Number 2 of the European Journal of Social Science in 2011. This most likely explains the high mortality rate observed when customers consume poor quality food.

As a result, there is a need to identify the service quality gap and continuously adapt to customers’ assessment or perception of service quality in the fast food industry in order to ensure high customer satisfaction and continuous patronage.

Although quality consciousness is growing, it is disheartening to see that some businesses continue to design their products and services without consulting customers, only to have them rejected.

It is critical to note that fast food companies emerging in Nigeria must realise and acknowledge that the customer’s judgement of quality and affordability is superior and supersedes every other judgement.

As a result, managers, in addition to determining customer wants and specifications, should constantly assess consumers’ satisfaction with the company’s products/services. The objective is to bridge the gap between the actual product quality given and the customer’s perception.

The fast food sector should not only focus on quality, but also on centralization and cost reduction, because customers value high-quality products at an affordable price.

1.1 Background of the Study

It is widely assumed that advertising is as old as human history, yet as a promotional tool, it began with the birth of trade. According to Samson (1981:180), advertising was done in various forms in different parts of the world in its early days.

He continues to advertise that “there were small stone printing stamps which were used by the quacks of Roman times to impress on the surface of their solves.” During these periods, there are different eras of advertising, such as the “pre-marketing Era,”

which stated that as a product exchange in pre-historic times to the middle of the nineteenth century, buyers and sellers communicated in very primitive ways for most of this period, “media” such as clay tables, town criers, and favour signs were the best way to advertise a product used in other words, people needs to one another through advertising, as one can see, advertising takes

During the last 50 years (researcher Era), advertising has methodologically improved the techniques of identifying and reaching a narrowly targeted audience with messages tailored to each group or individual, and modern communication technology has aided in the pursuit of the perfect advertisement.

Awake 22nd August (1998:5) Many years ago, people used primitive hand tools to produce goods; they lived in small isolated communities where artisans and farmers bartered goods and services among themselves;

distribution was limited; however, as technology advanced, Greek and Roman merchants expanded their contact with other societies, and people achieved a higher level of production.

However, because anicet civilization used only primitive hand tools to produce products, the number and diversity of available goods were insignificant. There was a growth in demand for commodities, which prompted a larger need to publicise their availability.

(Marshar 1995:81) These signs, carved in clay, wood, or stone, were purchased and placed in front of businesses so that passersby could see what the merchants had to offer because most people at the time could not read; as a result, these signs are used to represent the commodities for sale.

The symbolic and graphic nature of advertising, which gave rise to outdoor advertisements, has proven to be one of the most durable forms of advertising (Connor and Hart 1999:10).

The introduction of the printing market in the 1450s was a watershed moment in the history of civilization and most likely the most important development in the history of advertising. Johann Gutenberg, the inventor of the printing press and its system, changed the way people lived in the world.

The first printed outdoor poster known as “loading” debuted in London in the 1740s, and advertising in Nigeria may be traced back to one of the first forms of mass communication, known as “Town crying”. According to Nwabueze (1980:28), contemporary advertising in Nigeria began with the publication of the first newspaper, Iwe Irohin, which provided information.

Advertising is a powerful commercial communication strategy used by businesses to fulfil promotional tasks; it is impersonal for communicating or presenting goods, ideas,

or services via paid media under open or acknowledged sponsorship. It is a marketing tool that helps to sell goods, services, pictures, and ideas by providing information and persuading customers.

Its goals could include raising awareness, achieving belief, developing determinants, influencing purchasing decisions, and encouraging action. Advertising has a significant impact on a customer’s decision to acquire a product brand when an advertisement is placed that shows the benefits and advantages features to tempt consumers, making the advertisement suitable once.

Personality begins to initiate conviction, and the next thing he does is take action (buy), therefore advertising has a significant impact on the purchase decision.

Advertising is an agent of choice, and one of the most important benefits is that it allows customers to become active rather than passive agents in the economic cycle. In order for a customer to make a purchase, he must be informed, receive information from a variety of sources, and make a single decision.

Advertising girgles are designed to have a relevant impact on consumers or recipients, and the widespread distribution of diverse fast foods, together with the emergence of firms that make different brands of fast food, occurred concurrently with the rapid expansion of the fast food sector (Connor and Hart 1999).

Customers who could not afford to try beer went to non-alcoholic beverages such as fast food in order to achieve the goal outlined in advertising messages.

It is critical for marketing managers to identify the variables that require the customer determinant of one brand, which include Early fast food, chiky fast food, and Early fast food.

However, our primary goal here is to assess how much influence advertising has on customers of early and chiky fast food, as well as how it affects customer choice.

1.2 Statement of the Problems

It has been difficult to pin point exactly the factors that have motivated a particular customer to prefer a particular brand of product to answer. Often marketers have fallaciously been myopic,

exerting their attainment only on these factors that are salient as the determinant of customer determinant for their brand while there are other major factors that play viant roles that are completely ignored,

and consequently the relevant is the failure of the products to make Advertising has long been used by fast food producers to showcase their product offerings to the market and to attract customers with promises of incentives and benefits in exchange for patronising their product brands.

Advertising to fast food manufacturers is like a never-ending river; there are numerous variations that can be used to promote the image, product offering, and benefits of one brand over another. Since the inception of fast food, there has been a rapid expansion in the fast food market through the help of advertising.

A reliable source indicated that a significant proportion of Nigeria’s population had been customers of alcoholic drinks have turned non-alcoholic. There was also strong competition between the customers of early and chiky fast food because of those competitions,

the need to arise to check on the customers’ satisfaction and benefit with the brand the consumption Thus, the company cannot rely on customers to willingly express complaints about their displeasure with a certain brand of fast food; instead, they seek to identify other big or little elements that may affect the customer’s choice of one fast food over another.

1.2 Study Objectives

The following goal in conducting this research:

1. To examine how advertising influenced customers’ decisions, selections, and choices between Early fast food and Chiky.

2. To investigate whether flavour alone influences the customer’s choice of either of the two.

3. To determine whether the taste variable influences the choice made by customers between both items.

4. To examine whether advertising influences the consumer determinant and the decision between Early and Chiky, as well as whether the selling price for each determines its determinant.

5. To determine what unique characteristics are included in the advertising massages for Early or Chiky and how they effect customers.


The research topic for this study is as follows:

1. Do you believe that the advertising message is a more important factor than other product qualities in determining your decision to buy early?

2. Does fast food advertising make you want to eat too early?

3. Is the customer’s preference for early to chiky influenced by their tastes?

4. How often do you order fast food.

5. Which of these brands do you use.

1.5 Significance of the Study

The study is expected to provide new information to assist chiky and early fast food manufacturers in achieving high sales volume and properly adjusting production to sales within the context of a marketing strategy. The key issue of the marketing concept is to understand the clients and do all necessary to fulfil them efficiently and effectively.

However, this study will demonstrate how advertising can increase demand for either of the two products on the market, as well as assist the marketing manager in assigning a certain advertising massage to a specific brand of fast food. Thus, this study is likely to assist companies and other fast food producers in understanding the relative influence of other marketing factors.

Price, distribution, and promotion, or the four P’s, determine the customer’s preference for one brand over another. This study would also benefit both companies (Nigeria Breweries Plc and Early Nigeria Plc).

The marketers of chiky and early fast food must identify project marketing strategies that will be appropriate for carrying out their marketing activities or programmes to be adopted and made a culture by the producers, such as product modification,

pricing strategy, incentives promotional campaign, and incentive distribution strategy. It will go a long way to help the firm determine its loopholes and try to improve on them, as well as know the best advertising campaign that needed to be adopted.

Finally, the study will serve as a stepping stone for more research on the relevance of advertising, especially in the product determinant of the consumer. It will also stimulate the interest of Nigerian firms in customer research and enable them to understand the importance and role of advertising on the performance.


Different fast food companies are consumed by diverse types of customers in Nigeria and around the world, however this study focused on people in the Owerri Metropolis and was an advertisement.

1.6 Definition of Terms

According to Philip Kotler (1976), advertising is any paid type of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, and services by a specific sponsor.

According to Adirika et al. (1996:87), the marketing communication process is a company’s attempts to design and communicate information about its products’ existence, features, and terms, as well as their benefits, to the target market through various media channels.

Marketing Concept: According to (Adirika and Ebue’s test principles and practices of marketing), marketing concept is the marketing perspective on how marketing activity programmes should be carried out optimally.

1.7 Limitations of the Study

The researcher encountered a variety of challenges in collecting data for the study, the most significant of which was time. It took time to travel from one fast food restaurant to another in search of information.

In the process, lecture time was sacrificed, and financing was another issue that the researcher faced. Due to cost constraints, the study was limited to our fast food producer’s product modification price plan, incentives promotional campaign,

and incentive distribution strategy. It will go a long way towards assisting the organisation in identifying its flaws and attempting to rectify them, as well as determining the finest advertising plan that should be used.

Finally, the study will serve as a stepping stone for more research on the relevance of advertising, particularly in the product determinant of the consumer.

It will also stimulate the interest of Nigerian firms in customer research, allowing them to understand the importance and roles of advertising on the performance of a product in the market.

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