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Some of the problems that prompted the research were as follows.
Salespeople represent their companies to the outside world; as a result, opinions about a company and its products are frequently developed based on the impressions left by the sales force. The time for face-to-face selling is decreasing, and it is always limited.

To address these issues, research questions (questionnaires) were distributed to salespeople in Aba territories. The research’s main findings reveal that the potential of a region is considered when establishing sales territory, and it was also discovered that salesmen visit and spend more time with significant accounts.

Finally, the researcher indicated that proper line and territory management is an effective way to increase sales and profitability.

Chapter One:

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study

This is the narrative of a very successful organisation with a rich history and a proven track record of growth and accomplishment. Guinnes Nigeria is not only considered as an African icon,

renowned internationally for its unrivalled quality brand, but also as a firm that believes in benefiting the areas in which it operates via investment and active engagement in societal good evolution.

Guinness stout was first brought to Sierra Leone in 1827 and rapidly became popular throughout West Africa. In 1963, Ikeja in Lagos, Nigeria, was chosen as the first place in the British Isles to brew the trademark black beer. Two years later, in 1965, the Nigeria Bottling Company was registered on the Nigerian stock exchange.

In 2004, NIGERIA BOTLLING COMPANY established a new brewery in Aba, Abia State.

It goes without saying that the ability of sales personnel to identify and sell to clients or purchasers what the company has produced is critical to the survival of any business, and the beer industry is no exception. “Nothing happens until somebody says something” is a popular marketing phrase.

There is a requirement for communication; they require personnel who are responsible for contacting and convincing customers and/or prospects to accept the values supplied in exchange for a value desired by the organisation.

Customers of Guinness drinks are spread across the country, making it difficult to reach them without properly splitting the market into territories; if this is not done, the firm will be deprived of its objectives, and it may also affect a firm’s competitive advantage over other firms in the industry.

It is incorrect to state that Guinness products are unavailable; instead, consumers should look for other products such as Maltina, star, and so on. This is where sales territories are now assigned to ensure that the Guinness drink is delivered to clients at the appropriate time and location.

A sales region is an organisational structure in which salespeople are assigned different sales areas and report to territorial executives, who ultimately report to the field sales manager. These territorial sales executives go by labels like regional or stringent sales management.

The sales representative specialises in selling the company’s product mix, line, or items and has the authority of running their own firm, but is not under the jurisdiction of the top management. These regions are sometimes referred to as the organization’s profit centres because they generate revenue by exchanging commodities for money.

The creation of specific sales territories for individual salesmen provides a greater incentive to cultivate the territory with an eye towards future business than the policy of allowing salesmen from the same firm to compete for business in the same territory.

Additionally, the allocation of a specific territory to individual salesmen allows a salesman to specialise in one territory with its customers and conditions the salesperson-relationship.

Sales represent the link between organisations and their clients. A salesperson has multiple tasks as a territory manager, one of which is to ensure that consumers are satisfied with the organization’s product.

The development of sales territories is insufficient for a company to achieve its objectives; competent management of these areas is required, which gives rise to the topic “sales territorial management in the brewery industry”.

A sales territory can be a geographical area in which a salesperson works. For example, in Nigeria, the eastern sales territory includes Anambra, Enugu, Imo, and Abia states. A group of buyers assigned to a salesperson.

1.2 Statement of Problem
Some regions are unusually vast for efficient management. This means that some clients may not be satisfied. Because of the size of their zone, salespeople were able to acquire some clients while losing others.

Some of the causes of inadequate transit facilities are affected by territory located in remote areas. Salespeople were unable to reach some of their target consumers.

Some sales territories are not properly managed due to a lack of territory coordination, which means they are not managed efficiently and organised. Improper division of sales areas may lead to conflict.

Low economic activity does not promote sales in the territory.


The goal of this study stems from the fact that a customer is always a “King” and must be treated as such. For a salesperson to regain customer loyalty, he must be willing to listen to their difficulties.

Today, a salesperson is a problem solver; as a problem solver, the salesman must grasp that the customer has a need and a want, and purchases are made to satisfy those needs and wants.

As a result, in order to succeed, the salesperson must recognise these needs and wants, as well as the methods for meeting them.
Travel time and expenses will be reduced to stay inside a restricted geographical area. Salespeople who develop effective relationships with customers and deliver valuable services are typically high performers and top achievers.

High-performing salespeople recognise the importance of developing relationships with both consumers and others with whom they interact. The goal of cooperation is to gain customer support and loyalty through creative and innovative methods. Additionally, salespeople must deliver goods/services on time and in the desired condition.

The primary goal of a salesperson is not only to generate sales, but also to develop customers; identifying potential consumers is a crucial component of customer strategy.

Essentially, it is required to investigate how members of the brewery sales force manage their territories while keeping the marketing idea in mind, as well as the impact of sales territorial management on the achievement of the overall company’s sales targets.


1. How do you maintain positive relationships with the customers in your territory?

2. How did the brewery expand its territories in the east?

3. What mechanism is utilised to assign sales volume quotas to salespeople?

4. What are the personal selling functions of each territory?

5. What type of challenge have you encountered in your territory?

6. What motivates you to go above and beyond in meeting your sales targets?

7. What are the conditions for establishing each territory?

8. How may salespeople’s performance be evaluated?

1.5 Statement of Hypothesis

Ho: The functions provided by salespeople in territory are ineffective.

Ho: Salespeople do not grasp the value of developing relationships with clients.

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