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Chapter one


1.1 Background of the Study

According to Erawn (1977), population is the number of people who live in a specific geographical area at a given moment. The study of population is as old as the planet. The importance of demography and population studies cannot be overstated.

The question of population prompts a population census, which is unavoidable for a country’s social, economic, and political planning. Similarly, Alades (1984) defines population as a collection of individuals who live in a specific geographical place.

The trend of Nigerian population since 1963 has been about 55.7 million people, however as time passes, so do things, including population, as evidenced by the 1973 census, which raised Nigeria’s population to 120 million people. Rural areas account for more than 75% of the total population.

Agricultural activities occur, while the remaining 25% of the population resides in urban areas. Within the time frame since Nigeria’s independence, high population growth has been caused by early marriage, an unethical practice supported by young people that has dragged so many young girls into prostitution, leading to the increase in population growth.

Population expansion has an impact on the labour force. Christianity and Islam, the two largest religions, oppose population control tactics such as sex education and the use of contraception, which inadvertently promote population growth.

They could not grasp the medical gadgets used to limit undesired pregnancies, resulting in a rise in population by this group. A large population is connected with the growth of the local economy. By “expansion of the local market,” we imply an increase in demand for goods and services within the country.

This is due to the enormous quantity of consumers. Increased demand for goods and services will result in increased output, which is a positive sign for the country’s economic progress. If all other factors remain constant, a country with a high population will have more people working.

These people are gainfully employed and have the potential to contribute to the country’s economic progress. The more of them there are, the better off the country. As a country’s population grows, so does the number of skilled and talented people in all regions.

In light of this development, this study attempts to evaluate the socioeconomic influence of population rate in Nigeria utilising sabon tasha in chikun LGA Kaduna, south Kaduna state as a case study.

1.2 Statement of the Problem


The researcher ran into various issues when conducting this investigation. Some of these problems include:

– Because the researcher mixed academic work with research, there was insufficient time to visit the entire local government.

– There was insufficient funding for the researcher to produce enough questionnaires to distribute around the community of Sabon Tasha in Chikun LGA Kaduna, south Kaduna state.

– Another issue was that of the responders; some of them were not ready to reply adequately for fear of one thing or the other because they thought it would have negative consequences for them.



The study’s aims are:

To determine the causes of continuous increase in population.

To determine the link between socioeconomic effects and population increase.

To determine the effect of socioeconomic factors on population growth.

Research Hypotheses

To ensure the study’s success, the researcher developed the following research hypotheses:

H0: there are no causes for continuous rise in population.

H1: there are causes for the continuous rise in population

H02: There is no link between the socioeconomic effect and population growth.

H2: There is a link between the socioeconomic effect and population expansion.

Significance of the Study
The study is unique in that it is the first to examine the socioeconomic impact of rapid population expansion in Nigeria and the residents of Sabon Tasha in Chikun LGA Kaduna, South Kaduna State.

This has the advantage of raising awareness in society as a result of the ongoing rise in population, which affects them. This is also significant since it broadens people’s vision to look at the consequences of ongoing population growth from diverse angles and to look for ways to solve the problem.

This study is a model attempt to document the factors that contribute to the area’s continual population growth, as scholars tend to move forward with their research.

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