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Chapter one


Background of the Study

Creativity among adults is highly respected in our culture. Personal creativity promotes ingenuity, invention, social and cultural transformation, political development, and economic advancement.

The creator is an inventor, problem solver, entrepreneur, and artist. Creative people respond quickly and effectively, which helps them attain their life goals while also allowing them to enjoy the process.

Creativity is both a skill set and a distinct personality structure that develops during childhood and matures in adolescence and age. Education plays an important part in its development. Positive, creativity-inspiring experiences are required at all stages of education. This is

This is especially evident in early childhood and infant primary schools. Educators who take on the creativity challenge will be rewarded with rich teaching experiences and the satisfaction of watching children fulfil their creative potential in supportive and integrated learning environments.

Children develop cognitive and sensory learning through participation in creative activities, and it is critical that they are given the opportunity to express their creativity in the early stages of their schooling (Chapman, 2008).

Arnold (2011) and Bruce (2012) agree with this viewpoint, meaning that engaging in creative activities fosters children’s developing skills to think of new ideas, communicate them, recognise concerns, and solve problems.

Donahoe and Gaynor (2007) believe that activities that foster creativity and imagination lead to youngsters accepting alternative modes of thinking, which leads to innovation through the processing of novel ideas and experiences.

Robinson (2001) contends that we do not develop creativity; rather, it is present in early life and is taught out of it. From all of these perspectives, it is clear that encouraging children’s creativity is a critical step towards the development of creative thinkers and innovators in adulthood.

Marzollo and Lloyd (2012) feel that if creativity is not nurtured throughout the naturally creative infancy years, it cannot be cultivated later in life. According to Bamford (2005) and Burke (2005), the pleasure factor in creativity, or children’s enjoyment of the creative experience, is an important component in their learning and the nurturing of their innate creative abilities, as well as their desire to engage with creativity and thus become more creative.

With our understanding of children’s natural creative abilities, it is critical to connect them with creative teachers who can assist them in expressing their creativity as well as their social, mental, and academic development throughout the various domains of learning. As a result, this study evaluates the role of teachers’ creativity in early childhood development.

Statement of the Problem

Many critics argue that the educational system is excessively strict and does not allow for originality in teaching methods and pedagogy. Inflexibility in adhering to established rules in teaching and learning in our educational institutions has been viewed negatively, stifling innovation in both students and teachers.

For example, in their 2009 study, Naiman and Markovik discovered that early childhood instructors’ creativity scores were alarmingly low. The researchers evaluated the teachers’ improvisation, educational innovation and integration, class control, and student engagement.

Bales (2012) found a similar finding, concluding that early childhood teachers are very rigorous and that school leadership should modify pedagogy to allow teachers to be more creative. Bales discovered in his research that there is a substantial association between teachers’ ceativity and that of students.

If more progress is to be made in the arts, sciences, and business, creativity will undoubtedly be an important facilitating instrument; otherwise, our society will continue to develop at a snail’s pace; and this creativity will need to be fostered in individuals from their early years, under the tutelage of capable educators.

The purpose of the study

The primary goal of this study is to evaluate the impact of teachers’ creativity on early childhood development utilising a survey research approach. Specifically, this research attempts to:

Evaluate the impact of a teacher’s creativity on children’s cognitive development.

Investigate the effect of teacher innovation on children’s social development.

Examine the impact of teacher creativity on children’s emotional development.

Research Questions

The following research issues will be addressed during the course of this study:

Is there an impact of teacher creativity on children’s cognitive development?

Is the teacher’s creativity influencing children’s social development?

Is the teacher’s creativity influencing children’s emotional development?

Research Hypotheses

The following research hypotheses will be tested throughout this study:

The teacher’s inventiveness has little impact on children’s cognitive development.

The social development of youngsters is not influenced by the teacher’s ingenuity.

The teacher’s inventiveness has no impact on children’s emotional development.

Scope of the Study

The focus of this study includes the impact of teachers’ creativity on early childhood development in Mushin local government. It is limited to fifty early childhood education teachers.

The Impact of Teacher Creativity on Early Childhood Development

Descriptive survey research approach.

A questionnaire was administered to 50 early childhood teachers in Bariga Local Government, and a chi-square statistical method was used.

Significance of the Study

This study would provide valuable empirical information to stakeholders in the field of Early Childhood Education regarding the value of creativity as exhibited in the teaching and learning process. It would highlight teachers’ creativity and how they might use it to impact the development of the children under their care.

Operational Definition of Terms

Creativity is the ability to develop or recognise ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that can help solve issues, communicate with others, and facilitate teaching and learning.

Early Childhood Development: The progress of children in the cognitive, emotional, and psychomotor areas of learning.

Early Childhood Education: University education provided to students that focusses on the formal education of children before they enter elementary school.

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